Structured pseudo class selectors

There are 4 kinds of structured pseudo class selectors in CSS, ":root", ":not", ":empty" and ":target".

1. ":root"

We should know that "root" is "html". It means the following codes have the same function: :root {background:orange} html {background:orange;} And ":root" has another function: we can achieve some CSS Hacks by using it, because ":root" is supported by IE9+, now let's see an example.
<!--[if lte IE 8]> <style> #demo{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3);} </style> <![endif]--> <style> #demo{ width: 300px;height: 200px;background-color: #FF80C0;margin: 200px; -moz-transform:translate(-226px,226px) rotate(270deg); -webkit-transform:translate(-226px,226px) rotate(270deg); -ms-transform:translate(-226px,226px) rotate(270deg); -o-transform:translate(-226px,226px) rotate(270deg); } </style> <<div id="demo"> A test </div>
In this example, I want to achieve a function that a layer rotate 270deg and all kinds of IE versions can fully compatible. Do you think it's all right? ->.-> Haaaaa, no! The IE9 doesn't work like we think. Because IE9 will use both "filter" and "-ms-transform", so in this situation the block will rotate twice, which will cause the rotation angle to be incorrect. So we should add some codes: :root #demo{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0);} The added codes means we should delete the rotation in IE9, because "filter" can only be supported by IE9-, and ":root" can only be supported by IE9+, when we put these two factors together, the codes can only be supported by IE9. It isn't equal to "[if IE 9]", you can try it.

2. ":not"

From its name we could understand the function: not choose some elements. Easy~ So, let's just see an example, I just want to choose all inputs except submit button.
input:not([type="submit"]){ border:1px solid red; }

3. ":empty"

It's used to select elements without any content. It means no content, even a space. For Instance, if we want to hide "div" which has no content.
div{ background: orange; min-height: 30px; } div:empty{ display: none; }​ <div>I'm a div</div> <div> </div> <div></div>
Let's see it in a picture:
We can only see two orange "div"s, because the third one is empty, and the second one has a space. Be careful! If the content of "div" is empty, but we use "::before" or "::after" and set some value to its "content", do you think the ":empty" pseudo class could work well? Yes! You can try it, or just click here to see an example(Done by Xinxu Zhang).

4. ":target"

It is used to match the target element of a symbol for URL. Let's see an example.
#brand{ display: none; } #brand:target{ /*:target means the element which id="brand"*/ display:block; } <h2><a href="#brand">Brand</a></h2> <div id="brand"> content for Brand </div>
You can copy and run the codes above, when you click the "Brand" link, a "div" will show. What's more, let's see another example with more than one URL.
#brand:target { background: orange; color: #fff; } #jake:target { background: blue; color: #fff; } #aron:target { background: red; color: #fff; } <h2><a href="#brand">Brand</a></h2> <div class="menuSection" id="brand"> content for Brand </div> <h2><a href="#jake">Brand</a></h2> <div class="menuSection" id="jake"> content for jake </div> <h2><a href="#aron">Brand</a></h2> <div class="menuSection" id="aron"> content for aron </div>
Let's see it's effect:
We can click links one by one, and you will see "div"s have different background color. (That's all)